Offshore Oil Wells and Tourism
After I read Gary’s blog yesterday I called and asked for a copy of the article where Rep. House Republican Leader Paul Stam declared offshore oil derricks would be tourist attractions; it turns out Gary gave a speech to a Chamber of Commerce group Stam also spoke to – so Gary heard it with his own ears.
So within days of his unanimous reelection as Republican leader, ‘Skip’ Stam has announced he favors building offshore oil derricks to attract tourists – what will Republicans come up with next? The party of
Yesterday an elected official sat down in my office and said, You know, I’ve been a Republican thirty years but I’ve got to admit I’m pretty discouraged about the state of my own party. I’m sure Skip meant well and, in all likelihood, just slipped and got his lips moving before his brain clicked into gear – which we’ve all done.
Democrats are riding pretty high these days with Obama filling his cabinet with a Team of Rivals – maybe he ought to consider Skip for his press spokesperson.
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Offshore Oil Wells and Tourism

After I read Gary’s blog yesterday I called and asked for a copy of the article where Rep. House Republican Leader Paul Stam declared offshore oil derricks would be tourist attractions; it turns out Gary gave a speech to a Chamber of Commerce group Stam also spoke to – so Gary heard it with his own ears.
So within days of his unanimous reelection as Republican leader, ‘Skip’ Stam has announced he favors building offshore oil derricks to attract tourists – what will Republicans come up with next? The party of
Yesterday an elected official sat down in my office and said, You know, I’ve been a Republican thirty years but I’ve got to admit I’m pretty discouraged about the state of my own party. I’m sure Skip meant well and, in all likelihood, just slipped and got his lips moving before his brain clicked into gear – which we’ve all done.
Democrats are riding pretty high these days with Obama filling his cabinet with a Team of Rivals – maybe he ought to consider Skip for his press spokesperson.
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