Obama’s Summer
July 8, 2011 - by
Things are looking dim for President Obama. His poll numbers are lagging along with the nation’s economic numbers. He’s locked in three Middle East wars and a war with Republicans in Washington. Now he’s got Democrats and the AARP mad because he’s willing to cut Social Security and Medicare to get a budget deal.
So let’s depart from conventional wisdom and imagine how things might turn up for him.
First let’s consider how the hot summer months of August and September can be so critical politically. Remember how the 2008 election turned in those months – with McCain’s pick of Palin and the near-collapse of the economy? Remember how the 2010 election began to take shape with the Tea Party rebellion over health care and bailouts in August 2009?
What will the dog days bring this year?
Well, they could bring Obama a big boost in the Washington war – no matter which way it goes.
Suppose he gets his “big deal” with Congress: a $4 trillion monster that takes on both entitlements and tax reform. Suddenly, he’s fulfilled the promise of 2008: a new tone in the capital and an ability to reach across party lines for the good of the country.
Or suppose he doesn’t get a deal: The Republicans dig in their heels on taxes. The nation defaults and – if the Cassandras are right – something awful happens to the economy.
Guess who gets blamed? You can be sure it will be the Republicans.
So there is a light for Obama in this dark tunnel. And politics may look very different in a couple of months.

Obama’s Summer
July 8, 2011/

Things are looking dim for President Obama. His poll numbers are lagging along with the nation’s economic numbers. He’s locked in three Middle East wars and a war with Republicans in Washington. Now he’s got Democrats and the AARP mad because he’s willing to cut Social Security and Medicare to get a budget deal.
So let’s depart from conventional wisdom and imagine how things might turn up for him.
First let’s consider how the hot summer months of August and September can be so critical politically. Remember how the 2008 election turned in those months – with McCain’s pick of Palin and the near-collapse of the economy? Remember how the 2010 election began to take shape with the Tea Party rebellion over health care and bailouts in August 2009?
What will the dog days bring this year?
Well, they could bring Obama a big boost in the Washington war – no matter which way it goes.
Suppose he gets his “big deal” with Congress: a $4 trillion monster that takes on both entitlements and tax reform. Suddenly, he’s fulfilled the promise of 2008: a new tone in the capital and an ability to reach across party lines for the good of the country.
Or suppose he doesn’t get a deal: The Republicans dig in their heels on taxes. The nation defaults and – if the Cassandras are right – something awful happens to the economy.
Guess who gets blamed? You can be sure it will be the Republicans.
So there is a light for Obama in this dark tunnel. And politics may look very different in a couple of months.