Obama’s Missing Story
April 20, 2011 - by
On the off-chance Republicans don’t nominate Donald Trump and hand him reelection, President Obama needs a better story.
Not a better story about where he was born or how he grew up. A story line that explains the times we live in and where he thinks we should go.
All great Presidents develop a narrative for their administration that they impose on the nation.
Lincoln said the Union had to be saved. FDR said we needed to try anything to get out of the Depression. JFK said we were at a New Frontier and needed to get America moving again. Reagan said government was the problem and we faced an Evil Empire. Clinton’s, of course, was hard to boil down, but it amounted to we have to adjust to new times and new realities.
It’s odd that a writer and speaker as talented as Obama hasn’t done it. He did it in 2008, but not in the White House.
He may be able to win just by positioning himself against Republican extremism, like doing away with Medicare. But that may not be enough.
Too often, those of us in politics think it’s all about the policy details, because that’s what turns us on. But not most normal people – like, say, voters.
We Americans like a good story. That’s why we like TV and moves. And even reading books, sometimes.
Please, Mr. President: Tell us a story.

Obama’s Missing Story
April 20, 2011/

On the off-chance Republicans don’t nominate Donald Trump and hand him reelection, President Obama needs a better story.
Not a better story about where he was born or how he grew up. A story line that explains the times we live in and where he thinks we should go.
All great Presidents develop a narrative for their administration that they impose on the nation.
Lincoln said the Union had to be saved. FDR said we needed to try anything to get out of the Depression. JFK said we were at a New Frontier and needed to get America moving again. Reagan said government was the problem and we faced an Evil Empire. Clinton’s, of course, was hard to boil down, but it amounted to we have to adjust to new times and new realities.
It’s odd that a writer and speaker as talented as Obama hasn’t done it. He did it in 2008, but not in the White House.
He may be able to win just by positioning himself against Republican extremism, like doing away with Medicare. But that may not be enough.
Too often, those of us in politics think it’s all about the policy details, because that’s what turns us on. But not most normal people – like, say, voters.
We Americans like a good story. That’s why we like TV and moves. And even reading books, sometimes.
Please, Mr. President: Tell us a story.