Obama vs. Perdue: Taxing the Rich
August 3, 2010 - by
I’m beginning to suspect there’s something out of kilter between the true-blue liberals in Washington and their gung-ho cousins (and fellow Obama supporters) here in Raleigh who’re running state government.
Up in Washington the true liberals are about to launch the political equivalent of a Holy War to end President Bush’s tax cuts so the rich charlatans on Wall Street (the Democrats have been bailing out) start paying their share of the deficit, and the Republicans are dead-set on keeping the tax cuts on the true blue conservative theory that raising taxes on the rich means losing jobs.
That all, more or less, makes sense. Or, at least, fits the mold.
But, at the same time, here in North Carolina Governor Perdue’s not happy with a piece of legislation that gives tax breaks to millionaires who make movies in North Carolina. Why not happy? Because the tax breaks for the movie stars, she says, aren’t big enough. Because the movie stars only get tax breaks on the first million dollars in salary they earn (while making movies in North Carolina) but nothing over that.
In other words in Washington President Obama’s dead-set on taxing millionaires and in North Carolina Governor Perdue wants to give millionaires (as long as they’re movie stars) a bigger tax cut.
Ideologically this must be tough on grassroots Democrats in North Carolina. On one hand they’ve got their President saying it’s moral and just to tax the beeJesus out of millionaires and on the other their Governor is saying she’s all for Obama and helped him whip Hillary way back in the primary but that it’s right and moral to cut taxes on millionaire movie stars, adding, I think the people of North Carolina understand when you bring an Academy Award winner as an actor or an actress, you’ve got to pay them. With a tax break.
I’m not sure the Democrats in North Carolina who voted for Obama are going to follow the Governor’s logic and, instead, they may find their Democratic Governor pushing for tax breaks for millionaires pretty puzzling.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Obama vs. Perdue: Taxing the Rich
August 3, 2010/

I’m beginning to suspect there’s something out of kilter between the true-blue liberals in Washington and their gung-ho cousins (and fellow Obama supporters) here in Raleigh who’re running state government.
Up in Washington the true liberals are about to launch the political equivalent of a Holy War to end President Bush’s tax cuts so the rich charlatans on Wall Street (the Democrats have been bailing out) start paying their share of the deficit, and the Republicans are dead-set on keeping the tax cuts on the true blue conservative theory that raising taxes on the rich means losing jobs.
That all, more or less, makes sense. Or, at least, fits the mold.
But, at the same time, here in North Carolina Governor Perdue’s not happy with a piece of legislation that gives tax breaks to millionaires who make movies in North Carolina. Why not happy? Because the tax breaks for the movie stars, she says, aren’t big enough. Because the movie stars only get tax breaks on the first million dollars in salary they earn (while making movies in North Carolina) but nothing over that.
In other words in Washington President Obama’s dead-set on taxing millionaires and in North Carolina Governor Perdue wants to give millionaires (as long as they’re movie stars) a bigger tax cut.
Ideologically this must be tough on grassroots Democrats in North Carolina. On one hand they’ve got their President saying it’s moral and just to tax the beeJesus out of millionaires and on the other their Governor is saying she’s all for Obama and helped him whip Hillary way back in the primary but that it’s right and moral to cut taxes on millionaire movie stars, adding, I think the people of North Carolina understand when you bring an Academy Award winner as an actor or an actress, you’ve got to pay them. With a tax break.
I’m not sure the Democrats in North Carolina who voted for Obama are going to follow the Governor’s logic and, instead, they may find their Democratic Governor pushing for tax breaks for millionaires pretty puzzling.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats