Obama Investigates Perdue
December 7, 2010 - by
Twenty-seven year old Jeremiah Love – who’s schizophrenic – was murdered in a Rest Home by another schizophrenic who attacked him swinging a metal cane at his head like a baseball bat. In another Rest Home across the state a forty-three year old schizophrenic beat a sixty-seven year old patient to death in an argument over $4.25.
Now how did two violent schizophrenics end up as murderers in Rest Homes for the elderly? Well, a few years ago the state in its wisdom decided to close mental hospitals and start treating mental patients at community care centers. But it backfired. Because the state closed the mental hospitals and didn’t open the community centers (it spent part of the money elsewhere). Then, to make matters worse, the Department of Health and Human Resources bungled spending the other part of the money and wasted over $400 million.
So now we’ve got shuttered hospitals and no real community care and if you’re mentally ill the state puts you in a Retirement Home where, if you end up sharing a room with a violent schizophrenic, you could literally get killed.
In all, right now, the state is treating six thousand mental patients in Rest Homes and there’ve been four murders and you’d think heads would be rolling over at the Department of Health and Human Services but instead state government just keeps plodding along like it’s business as usual.
Who is upset is a fellow who lives 260 miles away in Washington and he works for President Obama in the Justice Department and he’s not plodding at all – he’s sending a cohort of agents to Raleigh to investigate how DENR treats mental patients.
So now we have the unheard of spectacle of our Democratic President investigating our Democratic Governor as she launches her bid for reelection.

Obama Investigates Perdue
December 7, 2010/

Twenty-seven year old Jeremiah Love – who’s schizophrenic – was murdered in a Rest Home by another schizophrenic who attacked him swinging a metal cane at his head like a baseball bat. In another Rest Home across the state a forty-three year old schizophrenic beat a sixty-seven year old patient to death in an argument over $4.25.
Now how did two violent schizophrenics end up as murderers in Rest Homes for the elderly? Well, a few years ago the state in its wisdom decided to close mental hospitals and start treating mental patients at community care centers. But it backfired. Because the state closed the mental hospitals and didn’t open the community centers (it spent part of the money elsewhere). Then, to make matters worse, the Department of Health and Human Resources bungled spending the other part of the money and wasted over $400 million.
So now we’ve got shuttered hospitals and no real community care and if you’re mentally ill the state puts you in a Retirement Home where, if you end up sharing a room with a violent schizophrenic, you could literally get killed.
In all, right now, the state is treating six thousand mental patients in Rest Homes and there’ve been four murders and you’d think heads would be rolling over at the Department of Health and Human Services but instead state government just keeps plodding along like it’s business as usual.
Who is upset is a fellow who lives 260 miles away in Washington and he works for President Obama in the Justice Department and he’s not plodding at all – he’s sending a cohort of agents to Raleigh to investigate how DENR treats mental patients.
So now we have the unheard of spectacle of our Democratic President investigating our Democratic Governor as she launches her bid for reelection.