Not From Here
June 25, 2010 - by
First my old friend Grady Jefferys wrote a provocative piece in the N&O complaining about “big city” ideas ruining old Raleigh .
This week, after losing his Republican congressional primary, Bernie Reeves lamented that we’re facing “anarchy” – “where qualifications and credentials don’t matter.” Anarchy, to Bernie, apparently means losing to a guy who’s only lived here for 18 months.
Now Mayor Meeker complains that the schools are being ruined by people “not from the area (who) don’t share our values.”
I’m going to get with Grady and Bernie and organize a new chapter of the Old Raleigh Boys (ORB). Our slogan will be: “Things were a lot better back in our day.”
We may admit the Mayor – as an ex-officio member. After all, he’s been here only since 1975.

Not From Here
June 25, 2010/

First my old friend Grady Jefferys wrote a provocative piece in the N&O complaining about “big city” ideas ruining old Raleigh .
This week, after losing his Republican congressional primary, Bernie Reeves lamented that we’re facing “anarchy” – “where qualifications and credentials don’t matter.” Anarchy, to Bernie, apparently means losing to a guy who’s only lived here for 18 months.
Now Mayor Meeker complains that the schools are being ruined by people “not from the area (who) don’t share our values.”
I’m going to get with Grady and Bernie and organize a new chapter of the Old Raleigh Boys (ORB). Our slogan will be: “Things were a lot better back in our day.”
We may admit the Mayor – as an ex-officio member. After all, he’s been here only since 1975.