No Shelter from the Storm
And neither one’s prospects look good.
Bush has never recovered politically because his actions in the storm’s aftermath burned an indelible image in the nation’s mind: an aloof, disengaged patrician totally unable to grasp the suffering of thousands of Americans.
No one can imagine Bill Clinton doing that. Or Ronald Reagan.
But Bush did. And a year’s worth of spinning since hasn’t change the image. Nor will this week’s photo ops. Nor will anything.
Once people get a glimpse of the truth, they won’t get fooled again.
Of course – in the immortal words of Barbara Bush – this may be working out quite well for some people: the Republicans.
The depopulation of African-Americans in
But Bush has written his page in history – or, more to the point, painted his picture.

No Shelter from the Storm

And neither one’s prospects look good.
Bush has never recovered politically because his actions in the storm’s aftermath burned an indelible image in the nation’s mind: an aloof, disengaged patrician totally unable to grasp the suffering of thousands of Americans.
No one can imagine Bill Clinton doing that. Or Ronald Reagan.
But Bush did. And a year’s worth of spinning since hasn’t change the image. Nor will this week’s photo ops. Nor will anything.
Once people get a glimpse of the truth, they won’t get fooled again.
Of course – in the immortal words of Barbara Bush – this may be working out quite well for some people: the Republicans.
The depopulation of African-Americans in
But Bush has written his page in history – or, more to the point, painted his picture.