No Love for Mitt
November 15, 2011 - by
There’s something about Mitt Romney that Republicans just can’t love. Their nomination fight is a series of anti-Mitts rising in the polls, then self-destructing.
First there was Michelle Bachmann. She scared everybody. Then Rick Perry. But he can’t even remember his own proposals. Then Herman Cain. But he allegedly can’t keep his hands off women.
The flavor of the week, apparently, is Newt Gingrich. But, as Jon Stewart memorably put it, Newt has a terminal case of “dickness.”
Maybe Rick Santorum is next. It’ll never be Jon Hunstman: too moderate and too Mormon – that is, too Mitt.
I’ve enjoyed the spectacle, and I’ve pulled for every anti-Mitt. Because I think he’s the only one who can beat Obama.
But a Republican friend says Romney wouldn’t excite the Republican base. He thinks Obama and Governor Perdue would both win reelection if Romney is the candidate.
Also, Romney is a walking flip-flop. The Obama team is already working on the ads.
Mitt has another problem. Read the New York Times story about Romney’s Bain Capital business career, specifically involving a medical products company, Dade International.
Here’s the gist: Romney/Bain bought Dade, fired 1,700 workers, ran up hundreds of millions in debt, sold out and pocketed millions of dollars in profits. Then Dade went bankrupt.
Now, that’s my shorthand version. I’m sure Romney has his. Good luck.
I’m liking him more and more.
Posted in General, National Republicans

No Love for Mitt
November 15, 2011/

There’s something about Mitt Romney that Republicans just can’t love. Their nomination fight is a series of anti-Mitts rising in the polls, then self-destructing.
First there was Michelle Bachmann. She scared everybody. Then Rick Perry. But he can’t even remember his own proposals. Then Herman Cain. But he allegedly can’t keep his hands off women.
The flavor of the week, apparently, is Newt Gingrich. But, as Jon Stewart memorably put it, Newt has a terminal case of “dickness.”
Maybe Rick Santorum is next. It’ll never be Jon Hunstman: too moderate and too Mormon – that is, too Mitt.
I’ve enjoyed the spectacle, and I’ve pulled for every anti-Mitt. Because I think he’s the only one who can beat Obama.
But a Republican friend says Romney wouldn’t excite the Republican base. He thinks Obama and Governor Perdue would both win reelection if Romney is the candidate.
Also, Romney is a walking flip-flop. The Obama team is already working on the ads.
Mitt has another problem. Read the New York Times story about Romney’s Bain Capital business career, specifically involving a medical products company, Dade International.
Here’s the gist: Romney/Bain bought Dade, fired 1,700 workers, ran up hundreds of millions in debt, sold out and pocketed millions of dollars in profits. Then Dade went bankrupt.
Now, that’s my shorthand version. I’m sure Romney has his. Good luck.
I’m liking him more and more.
Posted in General, National Republicans