No Holds Barred
June 28, 2011 - by
Before it went home the legislature passed Representative George Cleveland’s bill to require employers to use the federal government’s E-verify program to avoid hiring illegal immigrants. Which sounded fine. Until I figured out I’ll have to use E-Verify. Which I’m guessing (since this is the government) may be like figuring out hieroglyphics. Irritated, I thought, I have two people working with me. I’ve known one 34 years and known the other’s family almost as long. So who the devil’s George Cleveland to tell me I’ve got to get the government to tell me they’re not illegal immigrants?
Later, thankfully, I found out some great American amended Representative Cleveland’s bill to let employers with less than 25 employees off the hook.
At the end of the session Thom Tillis and Phil Berger also gave big corporations a tax break, allowing them to shuffle income from state to state to avoid paying taxes, then after passing a few dozen more bills to help their contributors and whack their foes the legislators went home and quiet settled over Raleigh and exhausted lobbyists sighed, Whew, that was quite a war.
But the real war has barely started. Because soon the legislature is coming back. And they face an issue a lot bigger than taxes or illegal immigration. In three weeks in Raleigh 170 politicians are going to lock horns to redraw their own districts.
And it will be no holds barred.

No Holds Barred
June 28, 2011/

Before it went home the legislature passed Representative George Cleveland’s bill to require employers to use the federal government’s E-verify program to avoid hiring illegal immigrants. Which sounded fine. Until I figured out I’ll have to use E-Verify. Which I’m guessing (since this is the government) may be like figuring out hieroglyphics. Irritated, I thought, I have two people working with me. I’ve known one 34 years and known the other’s family almost as long. So who the devil’s George Cleveland to tell me I’ve got to get the government to tell me they’re not illegal immigrants?
Later, thankfully, I found out some great American amended Representative Cleveland’s bill to let employers with less than 25 employees off the hook.
At the end of the session Thom Tillis and Phil Berger also gave big corporations a tax break, allowing them to shuffle income from state to state to avoid paying taxes, then after passing a few dozen more bills to help their contributors and whack their foes the legislators went home and quiet settled over Raleigh and exhausted lobbyists sighed, Whew, that was quite a war.
But the real war has barely started. Because soon the legislature is coming back. And they face an issue a lot bigger than taxes or illegal immigration. In three weeks in Raleigh 170 politicians are going to lock horns to redraw their own districts.
And it will be no holds barred.