National Primary?
George Bush has failed as Commander-in-Chief, so now he’s trying for Commentator-in-Chief. He predicted in an interview that Hillary Clinton would win the Democratic nomination and then would lose to the Republican, whom he did not predict.
Let’s set aside whether this was just a ploy to energize discouraged Republicans (Bush certainly can’t energize them any other way) and examine his analysis. It went like this:
“She’s got a great national presence, and this is becoming a national primary.”
Now, he may be on to something there. CW (conventional wisdom) is that the key to winning the nomination is to do well in
That’s how John Edwards is playing the game on the Democratic side, as is Mitt Romney on the Republican side.
The CW goes back to Jimmy Carter’s upset showing in
Plus, 2008 will have an early de facto national primary, SuperDuper Tuesday Feb. 5 with
This could be the year that the early states lose their make-or-break clout. And Bush might actually turn out to be right about something.
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National Primary?

George Bush has failed as Commander-in-Chief, so now he’s trying for Commentator-in-Chief. He predicted in an interview that Hillary Clinton would win the Democratic nomination and then would lose to the Republican, whom he did not predict.
Let’s set aside whether this was just a ploy to energize discouraged Republicans (Bush certainly can’t energize them any other way) and examine his analysis. It went like this:
“She’s got a great national presence, and this is becoming a national primary.”
Now, he may be on to something there. CW (conventional wisdom) is that the key to winning the nomination is to do well in
That’s how John Edwards is playing the game on the Democratic side, as is Mitt Romney on the Republican side.
The CW goes back to Jimmy Carter’s upset showing in
Plus, 2008 will have an early de facto national primary, SuperDuper Tuesday Feb. 5 with
This could be the year that the early states lose their make-or-break clout. And Bush might actually turn out to be right about something.
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