Nashville Hit With the Ethics Flu
Raleigh and Washington aren’t the only capitals where politicians are scrambling to get in front of the ethics reform train.
Tennessee’s legislature is meeting this week in a special session. It was called after four state legislators were caught up in an FBI bribery sting operation – called Tennessee Waltz.
As a long-ago politician was once quoted as saying in a similar situation, “boys, we’ve got to look like we’re doing something about this.”
In Tennessee, a bipartisan committee drew up a package of reforms. It includes new conflict-of-interest rules, an independent ethics commission and new reporting requirements for campaign donations and lobbyists’ spending.

Nashville Hit With the Ethics Flu

Raleigh and Washington aren’t the only capitals where politicians are scrambling to get in front of the ethics reform train.
Tennessee’s legislature is meeting this week in a special session. It was called after four state legislators were caught up in an FBI bribery sting operation – called Tennessee Waltz.
As a long-ago politician was once quoted as saying in a similar situation, “boys, we’ve got to look like we’re doing something about this.”
In Tennessee, a bipartisan committee drew up a package of reforms. It includes new conflict-of-interest rules, an independent ethics commission and new reporting requirements for campaign donations and lobbyists’ spending.