More Stormy Weatherly
April 8, 2011 - by
I got a nice email from Keith Weatherly thanking me for posting his response to my blog. So I almost feel guilty extending this matter.
But I heard from three different TAPsters in response to Keith’s response. And, you understand, my day goes much more easily when I let other people do the work.
The TAPster who contributed the original blog shot back:
“The issue is not about who he works for. The issue is the obvious, blatant conflict of an elected official working at the legislature on issues that benefit his role as a mayor. How can he rationalize his dual roles in public policy?”
Another wrote:
“Seriously, Mr Mayor? Apparently it’s okay because he’s BEEN doing it? Ha.”
And a third called to say there is little difference between working for the Speaker and Majority Leader; all the money comes out of the same pot.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

More Stormy Weatherly
April 8, 2011/

I got a nice email from Keith Weatherly thanking me for posting his response to my blog. So I almost feel guilty extending this matter.
But I heard from three different TAPsters in response to Keith’s response. And, you understand, my day goes much more easily when I let other people do the work.
The TAPster who contributed the original blog shot back:
“The issue is not about who he works for. The issue is the obvious, blatant conflict of an elected official working at the legislature on issues that benefit his role as a mayor. How can he rationalize his dual roles in public policy?”
Another wrote:
“Seriously, Mr Mayor? Apparently it’s okay because he’s BEEN doing it? Ha.”
And a third called to say there is little difference between working for the Speaker and Majority Leader; all the money comes out of the same pot.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans