More Politics as Usual
March 21, 2012 - by
For years Paul Coble’s been your easy going, hail fellow well met County Commissioner, going along with the other local politicians when they wanted to raise the county’s debt, pass budgets with unfunded liabilities and spend Obama Stimulus Money.
But, now, suddenly, Coble’s turned into an anti-establishment ball of fire.
No one can recall the words ‘Agenda 21,’ ‘Gay Marriage,’ or ‘Voter ID’s’ passing Paul Coble’s lips at a Commissioner’s meeting for years – but now he’s flailing away at all three like his life depended on it. And like he’d as soon no one remembered him and his fellow Commissioners spending $3 million in Obama Stimulus funds to create 33 Green Energy Jobs at $92,000 a job.
Of course, what Coble’s trying to accomplish is straightforward: After a two-decade long membership in the local political establishment he’s trying to turn himself into an axe-wielding anti-establishment champion in six weeks to get himself elected to Congress.

More Politics as Usual
March 21, 2012/

For years Paul Coble’s been your easy going, hail fellow well met County Commissioner, going along with the other local politicians when they wanted to raise the county’s debt, pass budgets with unfunded liabilities and spend Obama Stimulus Money.
But, now, suddenly, Coble’s turned into an anti-establishment ball of fire.
No one can recall the words ‘Agenda 21,’ ‘Gay Marriage,’ or ‘Voter ID’s’ passing Paul Coble’s lips at a Commissioner’s meeting for years – but now he’s flailing away at all three like his life depended on it. And like he’d as soon no one remembered him and his fellow Commissioners spending $3 million in Obama Stimulus funds to create 33 Green Energy Jobs at $92,000 a job.
Of course, what Coble’s trying to accomplish is straightforward: After a two-decade long membership in the local political establishment he’s trying to turn himself into an axe-wielding anti-establishment champion in six weeks to get himself elected to Congress.