More Coffee
July 22, 2014 - by
At breakfast, two of the guys were bemoaning the challenges of life.
Tom, a generous contributor to political candidates, sighed, “Having a politician for a friend is worse than having a child in college.”
A while later, Phil looked up from his paper. “You need new glasses when you’re drawn to a headline that says, ‘Does Hagan want a condom tax?’ That got my attention. After squinting hard, I realized the story is about a carbon tax.”
Posted in General

More Coffee
July 22, 2014/

At breakfast, two of the guys were bemoaning the challenges of life.
Tom, a generous contributor to political candidates, sighed, “Having a politician for a friend is worse than having a child in college.”
A while later, Phil looked up from his paper. “You need new glasses when you’re drawn to a headline that says, ‘Does Hagan want a condom tax?’ That got my attention. After squinting hard, I realized the story is about a carbon tax.”
Posted in General