Moore’s Health Care Offensive
One of our loyal blogger/readers passed along a link to Richard Moore’s website about George Bush denying health care to kids.
He also noted that
“This is a hard-hitting site about denying healthcare to kids. Looks like
The ad serves another purpose. It serves notice on Beverly Perdue that Moore is going to challenge her aggressively on what she believes is her turf, the health care issue.
Once again, I repeat myself: The Perdue campaign is sleepwalking, and the
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Moore’s Health Care Offensive

One of our loyal blogger/readers passed along a link to Richard Moore’s website about George Bush denying health care to kids.
He also noted that
“This is a hard-hitting site about denying healthcare to kids. Looks like
The ad serves another purpose. It serves notice on Beverly Perdue that Moore is going to challenge her aggressively on what she believes is her turf, the health care issue.
Once again, I repeat myself: The Perdue campaign is sleepwalking, and the
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.