Moore Trouble
The storm flags are flying again for State Treasurer and would-be Governor Richard Moore.
Now it’s a report by David Ingram in The Charlotte Observer that:
“The employees who manage the $70 billion N.C. public pension fund are traveling out of North Carolina on official business more than twice as often as they did just a few years ago, according to an Observer analysis. More and more, they’re going to exotic locations such as
Ingram’s story added:
“Some trips are at state expense. For others, private firms pick up part or most of the bill — including the costs of high-end meals, hotel rooms and entertainment. Such perks are standard in parts of the financial industry.”
“It’s a business meeting, and part of a business meeting happened to take place on a catamaran ride.”
This is more trouble for
The ongoing story will cripple his campaign for Governor if he doesn’t find a way to aggressively get on top of it. Scientific studies prove that the leading killer of public figures is posh trips to exotic locales.
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Moore Trouble

The storm flags are flying again for State Treasurer and would-be Governor Richard Moore.
Now it’s a report by David Ingram in The Charlotte Observer that:
“The employees who manage the $70 billion N.C. public pension fund are traveling out of North Carolina on official business more than twice as often as they did just a few years ago, according to an Observer analysis. More and more, they’re going to exotic locations such as
Ingram’s story added:
“Some trips are at state expense. For others, private firms pick up part or most of the bill — including the costs of high-end meals, hotel rooms and entertainment. Such perks are standard in parts of the financial industry.”
“It’s a business meeting, and part of a business meeting happened to take place on a catamaran ride.”
This is more trouble for
The ongoing story will cripple his campaign for Governor if he doesn’t find a way to aggressively get on top of it. Scientific studies prove that the leading killer of public figures is posh trips to exotic locales.
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.