Mitt and Newt?
December 12, 2011 - by
This is it? This is the best Republicans can do?
They’re about to fumble away what should be an open-field run to the White House.
Case in point: An NBC/Marist poll this weekend shows President Obama leading both Republicans in South Carolina. I repeat: South Carolina.
Maybe Rob Christensen is right and Republicans are “doing politics right” by not spending so much money. Of course, that’s because Fox News essentially provides a permanent stage for the GOP race.
Maybe Mitt and Newt will fight it out so long the race will be decided in the North Carolina primary. That’d be fun, and Democrats would love to see a lot of blood on the floor.
But can Romney even get nominated? And can Gingrich get elected?
Republicans just can’t stomach Romney. He is a squishy-moderate former Massachusetts Governor. And he looks like a card-carrying, founding member of the 1 Percent Club. Witness his $10,000 bet to Rick Perry. $10,000? That’s what you call a common touch.
Plus, the Republican Party is essentially a Southern party. One Republican told me there’s no way Romney wins in the South – not just because he’s moderate, but also because he’s Mormon.
“Wait until Southern Republicans realize that Mormons believe divine truth comes from Joseph Smith, not Jesus Christ,” the observer said.
And Newt? Romney just changes positions constantly. Newt has a stunning willingness to vehemently denounce the very positions he once took. Then there’s his ego, self-importance and – as Jon Stewart memorably put it – his essential “dickness.”
So Mitt can win in November, but can’t win the nomination. Newt can win the nomination, but not in November.
Obama may be the luckiest man in American politics.

Mitt and Newt?
December 12, 2011/

This is it? This is the best Republicans can do?
They’re about to fumble away what should be an open-field run to the White House.
Case in point: An NBC/Marist poll this weekend shows President Obama leading both Republicans in South Carolina. I repeat: South Carolina.
Maybe Rob Christensen is right and Republicans are “doing politics right” by not spending so much money. Of course, that’s because Fox News essentially provides a permanent stage for the GOP race.
Maybe Mitt and Newt will fight it out so long the race will be decided in the North Carolina primary. That’d be fun, and Democrats would love to see a lot of blood on the floor.
But can Romney even get nominated? And can Gingrich get elected?
Republicans just can’t stomach Romney. He is a squishy-moderate former Massachusetts Governor. And he looks like a card-carrying, founding member of the 1 Percent Club. Witness his $10,000 bet to Rick Perry. $10,000? That’s what you call a common touch.
Plus, the Republican Party is essentially a Southern party. One Republican told me there’s no way Romney wins in the South – not just because he’s moderate, but also because he’s Mormon.
“Wait until Southern Republicans realize that Mormons believe divine truth comes from Joseph Smith, not Jesus Christ,” the observer said.
And Newt? Romney just changes positions constantly. Newt has a stunning willingness to vehemently denounce the very positions he once took. Then there’s his ego, self-importance and – as Jon Stewart memorably put it – his essential “dickness.”
So Mitt can win in November, but can’t win the nomination. Newt can win the nomination, but not in November.
Obama may be the luckiest man in American politics.