Message Misery
It hasn’t. People still like Obama. But he’s reduced to arguing that his stimulus bill saved jobs and the economy.
Unlike Ronald Reagan, who also took office in tough economic times, Obama isn’t selling a popular cure. Reagan was selling lower taxes. Obama, when you get down to it, is selling more spending.
Republicans believe they’re on the right side of the winning message this year. So why should they do anything responsible – like solving the debt crisis or protecting millions of Americans from ruinous medical bills?

Message Misery

It hasn’t. People still like Obama. But he’s reduced to arguing that his stimulus bill saved jobs and the economy.
Unlike Ronald Reagan, who also took office in tough economic times, Obama isn’t selling a popular cure. Reagan was selling lower taxes. Obama, when you get down to it, is selling more spending.
Republicans believe they’re on the right side of the winning message this year. So why should they do anything responsible – like solving the debt crisis or protecting millions of Americans from ruinous medical bills?