Merit Pay: A Great idea
May 28, 2011 - by
Senate Republicans propose merit pay for teachers and state employees. What a terrific idea! But we shouldn’t stop there.
I’m thinking merit pay for legislators.
We could hold a statewide referendum after every session to let North Carolinians vote on how much legislators should be paid. Should get their full pay, half pay or nothing at all? Or even better, should they pay us back?
If a referendum is too costly and complicated, let’s just put a box on income tax returns. Let taxpayers specify whether they want certain legislators to get a little something extra – or, again, nothing at all.
If we keep paying them the same old thing, we’ll keep getting the same old thing.

Merit Pay: A Great idea
May 28, 2011/

Senate Republicans propose merit pay for teachers and state employees. What a terrific idea! But we shouldn’t stop there.
I’m thinking merit pay for legislators.
We could hold a statewide referendum after every session to let North Carolinians vote on how much legislators should be paid. Should get their full pay, half pay or nothing at all? Or even better, should they pay us back?
If a referendum is too costly and complicated, let’s just put a box on income tax returns. Let taxpayers specify whether they want certain legislators to get a little something extra – or, again, nothing at all.
If we keep paying them the same old thing, we’ll keep getting the same old thing.