Memo to Paul Coble
October 20, 2010 - by
I don’t care for Paul Coble’s politics, but I like him personally. So I’m giving him some advice about his TV ads: lose the rich furnishings.
I regret I don’t have a link to the ads. Couldn’t find it anywhere.
The ads are short – maybe 10 or 15 seconds. Paul is talking to camera in what looks like his den or living room.
Unfortunately, the furniture, paintings, etc. fairly scream: “I’m a rich guy!” They all have an old-money feel to them.
Great setting for a Ralph Lauren commercial. Not so good for today’s political climate.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Memo to Paul Coble
October 20, 2010/

I don’t care for Paul Coble’s politics, but I like him personally. So I’m giving him some advice about his TV ads: lose the rich furnishings.
I regret I don’t have a link to the ads. Couldn’t find it anywhere.
The ads are short – maybe 10 or 15 seconds. Paul is talking to camera in what looks like his den or living room.
Unfortunately, the furniture, paintings, etc. fairly scream: “I’m a rich guy!” They all have an old-money feel to them.
Great setting for a Ralph Lauren commercial. Not so good for today’s political climate.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans