Memo to McCrory: Keep Your Manager
Dear Pat:
Victoria Smith is doing a fine job as your campaign manager. Don’t let her go.
You’re the Democrats’ biggest worry in the Governor’s race. You’re the only Republican who is moderate enough to give us a run in November.
You concern me, Pat, because you fit that model.
So I hoped you would be done in by Smith and Graham. I hoped they’d spend some of their millions trashing you for your transit tax.
I hoped for a rerun of 1996. I was running Hunt’s (fourth) campaign for Governor. Richard Vinroot, another moderate Charlotte mayor with a good record, scared me. Fortunately, Robin Hayes and the right-wingers headed Vinroot off at the pass. Hayes was the perfect opponent for us.
But now, Pat, your own campaign turns out to be your biggest obstacle.
Never has a campaign staffer done a better job of upstaging the candidate on announcement day. She managed to make your campaign look both incompetent and dishonest.
She is definitely a keeper, from where I sit.
P.S. Please let us know when she finds the hacker who misspelled Governor. It may be the same nefarious villain who puts the typos in my blogs.
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Memo to McCrory: Keep Your Manager

Dear Pat:
Victoria Smith is doing a fine job as your campaign manager. Don’t let her go.
You’re the Democrats’ biggest worry in the Governor’s race. You’re the only Republican who is moderate enough to give us a run in November.
You concern me, Pat, because you fit that model.
So I hoped you would be done in by Smith and Graham. I hoped they’d spend some of their millions trashing you for your transit tax.
I hoped for a rerun of 1996. I was running Hunt’s (fourth) campaign for Governor. Richard Vinroot, another moderate Charlotte mayor with a good record, scared me. Fortunately, Robin Hayes and the right-wingers headed Vinroot off at the pass. Hayes was the perfect opponent for us.
But now, Pat, your own campaign turns out to be your biggest obstacle.
Never has a campaign staffer done a better job of upstaging the candidate on announcement day. She managed to make your campaign look both incompetent and dishonest.
She is definitely a keeper, from where I sit.
P.S. Please let us know when she finds the hacker who misspelled Governor. It may be the same nefarious villain who puts the typos in my blogs.
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