Memo to Congress
Now that House Democrats saved Nancy Pelosi from the self-inflicted wound of John Murtha, it’s time to take up real ethics reform.
Nobody has made that case better Bruce Thompson, who I think is one of
Bruce wrote an op-ed in Monday’s Charlotte Observer that says it better than I can. Click here:
One excerpt:
“Clearly, with exit polls showing corruption and scandal as one of the most important factors for voters in the recent House races, Congress has some catching up to do. The lame-duck session would be a great time to start.”
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Memo to Congress

Now that House Democrats saved Nancy Pelosi from the self-inflicted wound of John Murtha, it’s time to take up real ethics reform.
Nobody has made that case better Bruce Thompson, who I think is one of
Bruce wrote an op-ed in Monday’s Charlotte Observer that says it better than I can. Click here:
One excerpt:
“Clearly, with exit polls showing corruption and scandal as one of the most important factors for voters in the recent House races, Congress has some catching up to do. The lame-duck session would be a great time to start.”
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