Me and Anderson Cooper
August 12, 2011 - by
I made my maiden appearance on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show last night (regrettably, I can’t find a link for your viewing pleasure; somebody help me). Therein lie two stories: one about how news happens today and the other about how President Obama still might get reelected.
First, the news. I was on – looking, as one friend said, like a 10-foot high head hovering over the Raleigh skyline – to talk about Democrats being unhappy with Obama. Why? Because I did an interview this week with a reporter from the London Daily Telegraph who read my blog. His story was picked up on several blogs in cyberworld, then made its way to CNN. TAP to London to cyberworld to CNN.
Second, Obama and 2012. The topic was whether Obama needs to change his style, get tougher, punch John Boehner in the nose, etc. But haven’t we been through this? Remember the media frenzy in 2008 about “Obambi”? He was judged too weak to stand up to the Clinton juggernaut and the Republican attack machine.
That line of criticism has risen again since the debt ceiling deal.
But give Obama credit: He’s doing what he promised to do. He promised in 2008 to try to rise above the blue state-red state battle and put the United States first. He may be the only soul in Washington who’s willing to compromise.
Today, maybe that looks weak. But it could look wise next year – and welcome to voters. Look at how disgusted people are with Washington today. Look at how the Republicans are ripping each other apart 14 months before the election.
A year from now, people might say: At least Obama’s trying. We don’t trust anybody else. Let’s give him another chance.
Posted in General, National Democrats

Me and Anderson Cooper
August 12, 2011/

I made my maiden appearance on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show last night (regrettably, I can’t find a link for your viewing pleasure; somebody help me). Therein lie two stories: one about how news happens today and the other about how President Obama still might get reelected.
First, the news. I was on – looking, as one friend said, like a 10-foot high head hovering over the Raleigh skyline – to talk about Democrats being unhappy with Obama. Why? Because I did an interview this week with a reporter from the London Daily Telegraph who read my blog. His story was picked up on several blogs in cyberworld, then made its way to CNN. TAP to London to cyberworld to CNN.
Second, Obama and 2012. The topic was whether Obama needs to change his style, get tougher, punch John Boehner in the nose, etc. But haven’t we been through this? Remember the media frenzy in 2008 about “Obambi”? He was judged too weak to stand up to the Clinton juggernaut and the Republican attack machine.
That line of criticism has risen again since the debt ceiling deal.
But give Obama credit: He’s doing what he promised to do. He promised in 2008 to try to rise above the blue state-red state battle and put the United States first. He may be the only soul in Washington who’s willing to compromise.
Today, maybe that looks weak. But it could look wise next year – and welcome to voters. Look at how disgusted people are with Washington today. Look at how the Republicans are ripping each other apart 14 months before the election.
A year from now, people might say: At least Obama’s trying. We don’t trust anybody else. Let’s give him another chance.
Posted in General, National Democrats