Mayor Meeker Gives a Lecture
With no opponent to keep him busy this election Mayor Meeker is feeling his oats. Monday night he trooped over to the
The Mayor’s philosophy on spending tax money is simple: Spend it. Spent it all. Spend it as quickly as possible.
It, apparently, didn’t bother him at all when an appraisal showed the School Board – which has been on a rampage buying land – wanted to pay $600,000 more for a site in Rolesville than it was worth. It did worry the
Mayor Meeker thinks that was horrible. Just horrible. He claims delaying the purchase means the school won’t be built for a year and construction costs will go up a whopping $2 million. But one thing the Mayor’s Convention Center has proved is he’s not too good when it comes to estimating construction costs. He could be off thirty or forty million.
In addition land doesn’t sell – except in the Mayor’s world – based on next year’s construction costs. It sells based on the value of other land. If the School Board wanted to get off it’s tookis – rather than digging in its heels to store down the County Commissioners – there are a dozen realtors in Raleigh who ought to be given the opportunity to put together another deal to buy an alternative site on a rush basis.
But that takes work and the Mayor’s solution is simpler.
So, Meeker lectured the Commissioners about how rich
But before anyone goes all up in arms about the Commissioners stone-heartedness consider this: The Mayor’s wife is a candidate for School Board. It didn’t hurt her at all to have Charlie bemoaning the fate of the little children. So, in fact, the Mayor’s not solving a problem here – he’s pulling a political stunt. Instead of lecturing the School Board on how to get its run-amuck land buying department on track – to help get schoolchildren out of trailers – he’s saying to the County Commissioners, What’s wrong with paying $600,000 too much for land? I’d do it.
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Mayor Meeker Gives a Lecture

With no opponent to keep him busy this election Mayor Meeker is feeling his oats. Monday night he trooped over to the
The Mayor’s philosophy on spending tax money is simple: Spend it. Spent it all. Spend it as quickly as possible.
It, apparently, didn’t bother him at all when an appraisal showed the School Board – which has been on a rampage buying land – wanted to pay $600,000 more for a site in Rolesville than it was worth. It did worry the
Mayor Meeker thinks that was horrible. Just horrible. He claims delaying the purchase means the school won’t be built for a year and construction costs will go up a whopping $2 million. But one thing the Mayor’s Convention Center has proved is he’s not too good when it comes to estimating construction costs. He could be off thirty or forty million.
In addition land doesn’t sell – except in the Mayor’s world – based on next year’s construction costs. It sells based on the value of other land. If the School Board wanted to get off it’s tookis – rather than digging in its heels to store down the County Commissioners – there are a dozen realtors in Raleigh who ought to be given the opportunity to put together another deal to buy an alternative site on a rush basis.
But that takes work and the Mayor’s solution is simpler.
So, Meeker lectured the Commissioners about how rich
But before anyone goes all up in arms about the Commissioners stone-heartedness consider this: The Mayor’s wife is a candidate for School Board. It didn’t hurt her at all to have Charlie bemoaning the fate of the little children. So, in fact, the Mayor’s not solving a problem here – he’s pulling a political stunt. Instead of lecturing the School Board on how to get its run-amuck land buying department on track – to help get schoolchildren out of trailers – he’s saying to the County Commissioners, What’s wrong with paying $600,000 too much for land? I’d do it.
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