Margiotta Gerrymandered?
November 14, 2011 - by
Here’s an interesting twist on the Wake school board outcome.
A Republican friend (not the same one who contributed the item below; I actually have many Republican friends) says Ron Margiotta was an unintended victim of the Republican-run school board redistricting.
Here’s the back story: Deborah Goldman demanded that the redistricting plan move three heavily Republican precincts from Margiotta’s district to hers.
Otherwise, Margiotta & Co. feared she would vote against their school-assignment plan. After all, she had slipped off the reservation before.
She got the precincts, and she voted for the plan.
With those three precincts in his district, my friend believes, Margiotta would have won reelection. He would still be chairman and still command a 5-4 majority.

Margiotta Gerrymandered?
November 14, 2011/

Here’s an interesting twist on the Wake school board outcome.
A Republican friend (not the same one who contributed the item below; I actually have many Republican friends) says Ron Margiotta was an unintended victim of the Republican-run school board redistricting.
Here’s the back story: Deborah Goldman demanded that the redistricting plan move three heavily Republican precincts from Margiotta’s district to hers.
Otherwise, Margiotta & Co. feared she would vote against their school-assignment plan. After all, she had slipped off the reservation before.
She got the precincts, and she voted for the plan.
With those three precincts in his district, my friend believes, Margiotta would have won reelection. He would still be chairman and still command a 5-4 majority.