Mad Men
Just as Hurricane Florence upended the Carolinas, Hurricane Kavanaugh has upended the 2018 elections.
Will there be a blue wave? Or will it look like that NASA photo of dark and dirty waters flooding into the ocean after Florence?
It comes down to who is maddest. Is it women (and men who support them) energized by #MeToo, inspired by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and enraged by Kavanaugh, Graham and Trump? Or is it men (and women who support them) angered by #MeToo, inspired by Kavanaugh and enraged by Democrats?
Mad white men (and women) elected Trump. A black President was hard for them to take. A woman President? No way.
Now Kavanaugh & Co. have stoked the same anger.
Kavanaugh’s shouting, sniffing, outraged rant Thursday gave new meaning to the term “sober as a judge.” He looked like an angry, red-faced drunk. He sounded more like a political hack than a paragon of judicial temperament.
But his performance may get him on the court. It also may stir up the same forces that elected Trump and have upended elections again and again over decades.
Don’t get complacent, Democrats. There are dark, dirty and dangerous waters swirling out there.

Mad Men

Just as Hurricane Florence upended the Carolinas, Hurricane Kavanaugh has upended the 2018 elections.
Will there be a blue wave? Or will it look like that NASA photo of dark and dirty waters flooding into the ocean after Florence?
It comes down to who is maddest. Is it women (and men who support them) energized by #MeToo, inspired by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and enraged by Kavanaugh, Graham and Trump? Or is it men (and women who support them) angered by #MeToo, inspired by Kavanaugh and enraged by Democrats?
Mad white men (and women) elected Trump. A black President was hard for them to take. A woman President? No way.
Now Kavanaugh & Co. have stoked the same anger.
Kavanaugh’s shouting, sniffing, outraged rant Thursday gave new meaning to the term “sober as a judge.” He looked like an angry, red-faced drunk. He sounded more like a political hack than a paragon of judicial temperament.
But his performance may get him on the court. It also may stir up the same forces that elected Trump and have upended elections again and again over decades.
Don’t get complacent, Democrats. There are dark, dirty and dangerous waters swirling out there.