Lou Wilson Responds
December 16, 2010 - by
Once again, we interrupt this blog to bring you a word from our clients.
I promise not to turn this into a long-running home-care versus assisted-living debate. But Lou Wilson with the N.C. Association of Long-Term Care Facilities takes issue with Carter’s blog “Grit” below.
Herewith Lou:
“Mentally ill people have not just started living in rest homes. They have been there since the homes were first old county homes, and that was more than 60 years ago.
“What Carter didn’t say is that the taxpayer ALSO pays for housing and food for Medicaid-eligible people who live in their homes. Some of them even receive the same kind of check called special assistance that the folks in the rest homes get – and then on top of that receive more taxpayer money for food stamps, meals-on-wheels, fuel assistance, in-home aide services, Section 8 Housing, adult day care (that’s when the government pays for them to go somewhere else for daytime hours). So go figure!
“It only costs the taxpayer $435 a month to pay for housing, food, activities, taxes, laundry and all the other costs associated with keeping a person in a rest home. The resident pays the rest of the cost through their own resources. So when you count up all that the rest home gets, it’s a little over $11,000 a year in taxpayer money! The rest home folks wish they got 22,000 Carter!”

Lou Wilson Responds
December 16, 2010/

Once again, we interrupt this blog to bring you a word from our clients.
I promise not to turn this into a long-running home-care versus assisted-living debate. But Lou Wilson with the N.C. Association of Long-Term Care Facilities takes issue with Carter’s blog “Grit” below.
Herewith Lou:
“Mentally ill people have not just started living in rest homes. They have been there since the homes were first old county homes, and that was more than 60 years ago.
“What Carter didn’t say is that the taxpayer ALSO pays for housing and food for Medicaid-eligible people who live in their homes. Some of them even receive the same kind of check called special assistance that the folks in the rest homes get – and then on top of that receive more taxpayer money for food stamps, meals-on-wheels, fuel assistance, in-home aide services, Section 8 Housing, adult day care (that’s when the government pays for them to go somewhere else for daytime hours). So go figure!
“It only costs the taxpayer $435 a month to pay for housing, food, activities, taxes, laundry and all the other costs associated with keeping a person in a rest home. The resident pays the rest of the cost through their own resources. So when you count up all that the rest home gets, it’s a little over $11,000 a year in taxpayer money! The rest home folks wish they got 22,000 Carter!”