Look at Me, I’m Harry Truman
Here’s how you can tell how much trouble George Bush is in because of
I always know a Democratic candidate is doomed when he starts comparing his race to Truman’s upset over Dewey in 1948. It’s a sure sign of sheer desperation.
Now Bush is comparing his place in history to Truman’s.
The President told congressional leaders last week that, like Truman, he’s sticking with an unpopular war and, like Truman, he’ll be vindicated by history.
A sure sign of sheer desperation. Especially for a Republican.
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Look at Me, I’m Harry Truman

Here’s how you can tell how much trouble George Bush is in because of
I always know a Democratic candidate is doomed when he starts comparing his race to Truman’s upset over Dewey in 1948. It’s a sure sign of sheer desperation.
Now Bush is comparing his place in history to Truman’s.
The President told congressional leaders last week that, like Truman, he’s sticking with an unpopular war and, like Truman, he’ll be vindicated by history.
A sure sign of sheer desperation. Especially for a Republican.
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