Legislative (In)security
“Carter’s brief blog about legislators carrying guns is scary on many fronts. It’s probably only a matter of time before a gun battle breaks out in the legislative cafeteria when a lawmaker tries to take the last piece of fried catfish from a hungry colleague who’s packing heat.
“A more serious concern should be the total absence of modern security measures at the General Assembly. The NC General Assembly is the only public building on the planet where there’s no metal detector, security guard or anything when you enter the building. You don’t get scanned, patted down or even looked at. It’s the international epitome of open government.
“One day, there will be an incident and everything will change. We will all holler that something should’ve been done years ago. After the 9/11 attacks, changes were made to prevent just anybody from driving into the basement of the legislative building. Nothing else has happened since.
“Yes, there’s an armed officer in the front lobby surfing the internet or looking at security cameras. But that’s hardly the kind of security for a group of public officials who daily make emotionally charged, difficult decisions – and the accompanying inane, inflammatory public statements — that affect and irritate millions of lives. We hope steps are taken before one of the affected millions tries to do something violent and stupid.”

Legislative (In)security

“Carter’s brief blog about legislators carrying guns is scary on many fronts. It’s probably only a matter of time before a gun battle breaks out in the legislative cafeteria when a lawmaker tries to take the last piece of fried catfish from a hungry colleague who’s packing heat.
“A more serious concern should be the total absence of modern security measures at the General Assembly. The NC General Assembly is the only public building on the planet where there’s no metal detector, security guard or anything when you enter the building. You don’t get scanned, patted down or even looked at. It’s the international epitome of open government.
“One day, there will be an incident and everything will change. We will all holler that something should’ve been done years ago. After the 9/11 attacks, changes were made to prevent just anybody from driving into the basement of the legislative building. Nothing else has happened since.
“Yes, there’s an armed officer in the front lobby surfing the internet or looking at security cameras. But that’s hardly the kind of security for a group of public officials who daily make emotionally charged, difficult decisions – and the accompanying inane, inflammatory public statements — that affect and irritate millions of lives. We hope steps are taken before one of the affected millions tries to do something violent and stupid.”