Kill the Bill
December 17, 2009 - by
My friend and New Media guru Matt Gross argues that President Obama is wrong to keep pushing health-care reform up the steep Senate hill.
Instead, Gross says, Obama should kill the bill, blame the Republicans and go to war over the public-option issue in the 2010 elections.
The White House is hostage to the ghost of Bill Clinton. His reform failure led to the 1994 GOP sweep. Obama will do anything to pass a bill, any bill – so long as he can call it reform.
Stop pretending it’s reform, argue Gross and progressives like Howard Dean. Stop trying to appease Joe Lieberman with what liberals see as an insurance industry bailout.
In 2010, that strategy might turn out the Obama legions from 2008.
Posted in Uncategorized

Kill the Bill
December 17, 2009/

My friend and New Media guru Matt Gross argues that President Obama is wrong to keep pushing health-care reform up the steep Senate hill.
Instead, Gross says, Obama should kill the bill, blame the Republicans and go to war over the public-option issue in the 2010 elections.
The White House is hostage to the ghost of Bill Clinton. His reform failure led to the 1994 GOP sweep. Obama will do anything to pass a bill, any bill – so long as he can call it reform.
Stop pretending it’s reform, argue Gross and progressives like Howard Dean. Stop trying to appease Joe Lieberman with what liberals see as an insurance industry bailout.
In 2010, that strategy might turn out the Obama legions from 2008.
Posted in Uncategorized