Just When Republicans Needed a Break…
The fall elections have been looking pretty bleak for Republicans, lately.
For the last month it has seemed like a tsunami of anger was headed toward Republicans from voters this fall.
But just when it looked like there was no way for them to lose this fall’s elections in
The members of the House Democratic Caucus have met and declared they are standing four-square behind House Democratic Speaker Jim Black – scandals and all.
Who would have believed it?
After six months of newspaper reports exposing the ‘pay to play’ scandals, a grand jury investigation, an investigation by the State Attorney General, Board of Elections hearings where Black allies (but not Black, personally) took the Fifth Amendment and after almost every major newspaper has called on Black to resign – the House Democratic Caucus proclaims Jim Black has done nothing wrong. Nothing at all. He has their overwhelming support.
Which must be exactly what Republicans have been praying for – to have Jim Black leading the Democratic ticket this fall with House Democrats saying he has done nothing wrong.
Just when Republicans needed a break…
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Just When Republicans Needed a Break…

The fall elections have been looking pretty bleak for Republicans, lately.
For the last month it has seemed like a tsunami of anger was headed toward Republicans from voters this fall.
But just when it looked like there was no way for them to lose this fall’s elections in
The members of the House Democratic Caucus have met and declared they are standing four-square behind House Democratic Speaker Jim Black – scandals and all.
Who would have believed it?
After six months of newspaper reports exposing the ‘pay to play’ scandals, a grand jury investigation, an investigation by the State Attorney General, Board of Elections hearings where Black allies (but not Black, personally) took the Fifth Amendment and after almost every major newspaper has called on Black to resign – the House Democratic Caucus proclaims Jim Black has done nothing wrong. Nothing at all. He has their overwhelming support.
Which must be exactly what Republicans have been praying for – to have Jim Black leading the Democratic ticket this fall with House Democrats saying he has done nothing wrong.
Just when Republicans needed a break…
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