Just a little Chat among Friends
We Democrats are chatty folks.
Our presidential candidates launch their campaigns with web-side chats. Hillary sits on the couch for a chat. Then she flies around the country for more intimate chats recorded by forests of cameras.
She invites us to join in: “Let the conversation began.” Actually, she and Bill have been having this conversation since they met at the Yale library.
(Some men react like they do when their wives suggest they talk more, open up more, share more: “Do I have to?”)
Obama had his no-tie chat. Edwards is talking to everybody.
Now Joe Biden’s campaign gets blown out of the water by one of the most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction in American politics: Biden’s mouth. He’s impressed because Obama is “clean” and “articulate”?
In 1988, Biden talked himself out of being a viable presidential campaign by cribbing other politicians’ speeches and making up his own biography. Apparently, the definition of a nanosecond is the length of time it takes for a thought to hit Biden’s mind and then come out of his mouth.
Obama should have responded by complimenting Biden’s hair transplants.
You’ll hear none of this warm-and-fuzzy conversation from the current administration. Bush, once the “decider,” is now “the decision-maker.” No time to talk.
Cheney, asked by CNN about his gay daughter’s pregnancy, growls: “You’re out of line with that question.” Asked about Congress’ objections to the
No mollycoddling, tea-party chats for these men of action. They’ve got a war to screw up.
It makes me feel almost like opening up, sharing more and joining the conversation. Can we talk?
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.

Just a little Chat among Friends

We Democrats are chatty folks.
Our presidential candidates launch their campaigns with web-side chats. Hillary sits on the couch for a chat. Then she flies around the country for more intimate chats recorded by forests of cameras.
She invites us to join in: “Let the conversation began.” Actually, she and Bill have been having this conversation since they met at the Yale library.
(Some men react like they do when their wives suggest they talk more, open up more, share more: “Do I have to?”)
Obama had his no-tie chat. Edwards is talking to everybody.
Now Joe Biden’s campaign gets blown out of the water by one of the most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction in American politics: Biden’s mouth. He’s impressed because Obama is “clean” and “articulate”?
In 1988, Biden talked himself out of being a viable presidential campaign by cribbing other politicians’ speeches and making up his own biography. Apparently, the definition of a nanosecond is the length of time it takes for a thought to hit Biden’s mind and then come out of his mouth.
Obama should have responded by complimenting Biden’s hair transplants.
You’ll hear none of this warm-and-fuzzy conversation from the current administration. Bush, once the “decider,” is now “the decision-maker.” No time to talk.
Cheney, asked by CNN about his gay daughter’s pregnancy, growls: “You’re out of line with that question.” Asked about Congress’ objections to the
No mollycoddling, tea-party chats for these men of action. They’ve got a war to screw up.
It makes me feel almost like opening up, sharing more and joining the conversation. Can we talk?
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.