Josh Stein’s Fast Start
Josh Stein has always moved fast. And worked hard.
He was the first hire in John Edwards’ 1998 Senate campaign – a novice who had never worked in politics before.
By the time the primary rolled around, he was the campaign manager. And a great one. I know, because I worked with him every day for 18 months.
Josh went to Washington on Edwards’ staff, then came back to
Now he’s running for the State Senate seat being vacated by Janet Cowell. And he raised nearly $60,000 in the first ten-day reporting period.
Stein is moving fast and working hard. He’ll be tough to beat.
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Josh Stein’s Fast Start

Josh Stein has always moved fast. And worked hard.
He was the first hire in John Edwards’ 1998 Senate campaign – a novice who had never worked in politics before.
By the time the primary rolled around, he was the campaign manager. And a great one. I know, because I worked with him every day for 18 months.
Josh went to Washington on Edwards’ staff, then came back to
Now he’s running for the State Senate seat being vacated by Janet Cowell. And he raised nearly $60,000 in the first ten-day reporting period.
Stein is moving fast and working hard. He’ll be tough to beat.
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