John Edwards’ Transparency
The other day two radio commentators on NPR were joking about a survey they’d taken of presidential candidates. One of the questions each candidate was asked, What is your dream job?
The first commentator said, I love Congressman Tom Tancredo’s answer best. Tancredo – a dark horse candidate – when asked what his dream job was said, Well, President.
Tancredi’s candor elicited a few laughs then the commentator asked, Want to guess John Edwards’s dream job?
Second commentator: What?
First commentator: Mill supervisor.
Second commentator said, puzzled, Not a baseball player? Or a missionary? Or a Nobel Prize winner? But mill supervisor?
John Edwards’s pandering was so transparent it left even the liberals laughing.
The first commentator had the last word. He said, Well, John, there’s good news. There’re plenty of openings. But, John, you’d be surprised how many hours you’d have to work to pay for a haircut.
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John Edwards’ Transparency

The other day two radio commentators on NPR were joking about a survey they’d taken of presidential candidates. One of the questions each candidate was asked, What is your dream job?
The first commentator said, I love Congressman Tom Tancredo’s answer best. Tancredo – a dark horse candidate – when asked what his dream job was said, Well, President.
Tancredi’s candor elicited a few laughs then the commentator asked, Want to guess John Edwards’s dream job?
Second commentator: What?
First commentator: Mill supervisor.
Second commentator said, puzzled, Not a baseball player? Or a missionary? Or a Nobel Prize winner? But mill supervisor?
John Edwards’s pandering was so transparent it left even the liberals laughing.
The first commentator had the last word. He said, Well, John, there’s good news. There’re plenty of openings. But, John, you’d be surprised how many hours you’d have to work to pay for a haircut.
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