John Edwards: Leading the War on Terrorisim
John Edwards has called for us to immediately withdraw 40,000 troops from
Granted we’re in a mess in
But where does bringing 40,000 troops home tomorrow leave the troops still in
Mr. Edwards is running for President as a Democrat and he has taken a glib, popular stand that will help him win the Democratic primaries.
But what’s his real solution on
But I’d like to hear Mr. Edwards explain how his plan is going to bring us the victory over the terrorist that has eluded us for five years.

John Edwards: Leading the War on Terrorisim

John Edwards has called for us to immediately withdraw 40,000 troops from
Granted we’re in a mess in
But where does bringing 40,000 troops home tomorrow leave the troops still in
Mr. Edwards is running for President as a Democrat and he has taken a glib, popular stand that will help him win the Democratic primaries.
But what’s his real solution on
But I’d like to hear Mr. Edwards explain how his plan is going to bring us the victory over the terrorist that has eluded us for five years.