John Drescher Responds
September 18, 2012 - by
N&O Executive Editor John Drescher retweeted my blog about UNC and the N&O, but took issue with another blog, in which a TAPster criticized the N&O for dedicating much of Sunday’s front page to a “40-year-old murder mystery.”
Drescher responded:
“At the moment, today’s MacDonald story is No. 3 on the most-read list (which you can see at It trails two stories on UNC’s HoldenThorp.
“Our Sunday story by Anne Blythe setting up this week’s MacDonald hearing was the most-read story that day on That story remained the most-read story on Monday until the Thorp resignation story broke. The MacDonald story finished Monday as the third most-read story on
“Your TAPster is out of touch with what drives readership.
“Readership of skews younger than the print paper, as you would expect. The MacDonald case remains an irresistible story — even for people born long after the murders.”

John Drescher Responds
September 18, 2012/

N&O Executive Editor John Drescher retweeted my blog about UNC and the N&O, but took issue with another blog, in which a TAPster criticized the N&O for dedicating much of Sunday’s front page to a “40-year-old murder mystery.”
Drescher responded:
“At the moment, today’s MacDonald story is No. 3 on the most-read list (which you can see at It trails two stories on UNC’s HoldenThorp.
“Our Sunday story by Anne Blythe setting up this week’s MacDonald hearing was the most-read story that day on That story remained the most-read story on Monday until the Thorp resignation story broke. The MacDonald story finished Monday as the third most-read story on
“Your TAPster is out of touch with what drives readership.
“Readership of skews younger than the print paper, as you would expect. The MacDonald case remains an irresistible story — even for people born long after the murders.”