Joe Got Back Up

“When you get knocked down, you get back up” – President Biden in Raleigh Friday.

After the debate, President Biden stopped by a Waffle House in Atlanta (photo), flew to Raleigh, gave a barn-burner of a speech Friday and got back in the fight.

N.C. Democrats rallied around him, and he rallied Democrats across the nation.

If he wins reelection, The Rally in Raleigh will be remembered as the turning point.

Why did he have a bad debate?

Jill Biden said he didn’t feel good.

A Democratic friend wondered, “Was he over-prepped?”

As a debate-prep vet, I know that happens.

Or maybe Biden wasn’t comfortable in that sterile studio without an audience.

He feeds off people. Watch him greet customers at Waffle House and rouse the crowd in Raleigh.

My friend suggested that, next time, Biden should tell his debate team, “Leave me alone.”

Or go to Waffle House before the debate.

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Gary Pearce




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Joe Got Back Up


“When you get knocked down, you get back up” – President Biden in Raleigh Friday.

After the debate, President Biden stopped by a Waffle House in Atlanta (photo), flew to Raleigh, gave a barn-burner of a speech Friday and got back in the fight.

N.C. Democrats rallied around him, and he rallied Democrats across the nation.

If he wins reelection, The Rally in Raleigh will be remembered as the turning point.

Why did he have a bad debate?

Jill Biden said he didn’t feel good.

A Democratic friend wondered, “Was he over-prepped?”

As a debate-prep vet, I know that happens.

Or maybe Biden wasn’t comfortable in that sterile studio without an audience.

He feeds off people. Watch him greet customers at Waffle House and rouse the crowd in Raleigh.

My friend suggested that, next time, Biden should tell his debate team, “Leave me alone.”

Or go to Waffle House before the debate.

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Gary Pearce

