Jim Black: What Can Republicans Do?
With only 52 votes Republicans don’t have much voice in choosing Jim Black’s successor as Speaker of the House. But here’s a suggestion: Challenge the Democrats to elect a new Speaker who is not part of the current House leadership. Why? Because a ‘fresh face,’ without ties to the current leadership, can best clean up the corruption in the legislature. Of course Democrats may turn thumbs down on that in a heartbeat and tell Republicans to mind their own business and start acting like the minority they are. But what have Republicans got to lose? There are worse fates than Democrats telling them no when it comes to cleaning up corruption.
Republicans should also make reforming the power of the Speaker a part of their agenda. Today the House Speaker is a virtual dictator. He, single-handedly, can kill any bill he wants by ruling it out-of-order or by burying it in the Rules Committee. He also appoints every member of every committee in the House. Instead, members should be chosen as they are in Congress or by some other system that includes checks and balances.
The challenge to legislators, today, is putting an end to business as usual in the State House. Democrats can take a step in that direction by electing a ‘fresh face’ Speaker. If they don’t there is very little chance Republicans can pass any real reforms on their own with Democrats enjoying a 68 to 52 majority.
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Jim Black: What Can Republicans Do?

With only 52 votes Republicans don’t have much voice in choosing Jim Black’s successor as Speaker of the House. But here’s a suggestion: Challenge the Democrats to elect a new Speaker who is not part of the current House leadership. Why? Because a ‘fresh face,’ without ties to the current leadership, can best clean up the corruption in the legislature. Of course Democrats may turn thumbs down on that in a heartbeat and tell Republicans to mind their own business and start acting like the minority they are. But what have Republicans got to lose? There are worse fates than Democrats telling them no when it comes to cleaning up corruption.
Republicans should also make reforming the power of the Speaker a part of their agenda. Today the House Speaker is a virtual dictator. He, single-handedly, can kill any bill he wants by ruling it out-of-order or by burying it in the Rules Committee. He also appoints every member of every committee in the House. Instead, members should be chosen as they are in Congress or by some other system that includes checks and balances.
The challenge to legislators, today, is putting an end to business as usual in the State House. Democrats can take a step in that direction by electing a ‘fresh face’ Speaker. If they don’t there is very little chance Republicans can pass any real reforms on their own with Democrats enjoying a 68 to 52 majority.
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