It’s Not Complex. It’s Simple.
October 31, 2012 - by
Last spring an old friend, a pollster, came to Raleigh and predicted without blinking Romney was going to win and I said, Why’s that? and he said, It’s simple. A lot of people who voted for Obama last time won’t vote for him again but I don’t know anyone who voted for McCain who is voting for Obama this time.
Over the summer Obama did his best to make the election complicated, calling Romney a greedy bone-crushing capitalist, anti-women, anti-middle class, anti-senior citizens and adding Romney was a liar and flip-flopper to boot.
By fall the swing voters were asking themselves if Romney might turn out to be a worse President than Obama then they watched the first debate and decided whatever Romney’s flaws, bungling the economy worse than Obama wasn’t one of them – so, in the end, it looks like the election has turned out to be simple.
Swing voters only needed the answer to one question.

It’s Not Complex. It’s Simple.
October 31, 2012/

Last spring an old friend, a pollster, came to Raleigh and predicted without blinking Romney was going to win and I said, Why’s that? and he said, It’s simple. A lot of people who voted for Obama last time won’t vote for him again but I don’t know anyone who voted for McCain who is voting for Obama this time.
Over the summer Obama did his best to make the election complicated, calling Romney a greedy bone-crushing capitalist, anti-women, anti-middle class, anti-senior citizens and adding Romney was a liar and flip-flopper to boot.
By fall the swing voters were asking themselves if Romney might turn out to be a worse President than Obama then they watched the first debate and decided whatever Romney’s flaws, bungling the economy worse than Obama wasn’t one of them – so, in the end, it looks like the election has turned out to be simple.
Swing voters only needed the answer to one question.