It’s Free!
February 14, 2012 - by
I wonder, sometimes, if Obama believes what he’s saying? He ordered the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives to its employees;― the Bishops said No, outrage followed, and Obama realized he’s bitten off more than he could chew.
So Obama announced he had a solution. The Church, he said, wasn’t going to have to provide contraceptives – instead he’d order the health insurance companies to provide them free.
That, he explained, was a balanced solution.
But how on earth can that be?
40 million women use contraceptives and pharmaceutical companies can’t manufacture birth control pills (or whatever) for all those women free. And insurance companies aren’t going to give them away free either – one way or another someone is going to pay.
Obama, I thought, must really think people are dumb to try to run that flim-flam. Then I thought, What if he really believes it?
It’s hard to say which would be worse: A President who’s a complete cynic or one who thinks he has the power to wave a magic wand and produce free contraceptives.
Posted in Issues, National Democrats

It’s Free!
February 14, 2012/

I wonder, sometimes, if Obama believes what he’s saying? He ordered the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives to its employees;― the Bishops said No, outrage followed, and Obama realized he’s bitten off more than he could chew.
So Obama announced he had a solution. The Church, he said, wasn’t going to have to provide contraceptives – instead he’d order the health insurance companies to provide them free.
That, he explained, was a balanced solution.
But how on earth can that be?
40 million women use contraceptives and pharmaceutical companies can’t manufacture birth control pills (or whatever) for all those women free. And insurance companies aren’t going to give them away free either – one way or another someone is going to pay.
Obama, I thought, must really think people are dumb to try to run that flim-flam. Then I thought, What if he really believes it?
It’s hard to say which would be worse: A President who’s a complete cynic or one who thinks he has the power to wave a magic wand and produce free contraceptives.
Posted in Issues, National Democrats