Is Rove’s 72-hour Plan a Myth?
I’m looking forward to this year’s election not just because there will be a Democratic sweep, but also because it will destroy the myth of Karl Rove’s 72-hour voter-turnout machine.
While most Republicans expect to lose the House and hold the Senate by only one seat, The Washington Post reports that Bush and Rove are “almost inexplicably upbeat.”
Of course. They believe the myth. They believe Rove’s mythical machine will snatch victory from the jaws of Iraq-stalemate, Mark Foley-fed defeat.
We’ll find out.
Even Democrats have come to believe the myth. They now spend millions on organization and voter-turnout programs that promise to do for the blue team what the 72-hour plan supposedly did in 2000, 2002 and 2004.
I’ve never believed it. I’ve never seen empirical evidence that it works. I still believe that candidates, character and causes motivate voters – not mechanics, phone banks and targeting.
I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. Talk to me after this election.

Is Rove’s 72-hour Plan a Myth?

I’m looking forward to this year’s election not just because there will be a Democratic sweep, but also because it will destroy the myth of Karl Rove’s 72-hour voter-turnout machine.
While most Republicans expect to lose the House and hold the Senate by only one seat, The Washington Post reports that Bush and Rove are “almost inexplicably upbeat.”
Of course. They believe the myth. They believe Rove’s mythical machine will snatch victory from the jaws of Iraq-stalemate, Mark Foley-fed defeat.
We’ll find out.
Even Democrats have come to believe the myth. They now spend millions on organization and voter-turnout programs that promise to do for the blue team what the 72-hour plan supposedly did in 2000, 2002 and 2004.
I’ve never believed it. I’ve never seen empirical evidence that it works. I still believe that candidates, character and causes motivate voters – not mechanics, phone banks and targeting.
I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. Talk to me after this election.