Is Richard Moore too Negative?
Some Democrats are asking: Isn’t Richard Moore’s campaign too negative? Won’t he suffer a backlash for attacking Beverly Perdue?
The answers are no and no.
For nearly thirty years, since the onset of negative TV ads, I’ve heard the same arguments: “People won’t believe those attacks.” “Voters don’t like negative ads. You need to stay positive.” “A candidate who goes negative will only hurt himself.”
Wrong. People do believe the attacks, unless they’re told different. Voters say they don’t like negative ads, but they pay attention to them. And while sometimes there is a backlash, a backlash doesn’t just happen by itself. The candidate under attack has to use some political judo on the attacker.
Democrats are especially good at fooling themselves. That’s why so many candidates won’t go on the offensive. Their inner circles tell them all the above conventional wisdom, in all sincerity. And it’s always bad advice.
Destroy an opponent’s credibility, and you destroy his or her campaign.
So far, Perdue’s campaign hasn’t shown it can do the judo. The best they’ve come up with is charging
That won’t cut it,
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Is Richard Moore too Negative?

Some Democrats are asking: Isn’t Richard Moore’s campaign too negative? Won’t he suffer a backlash for attacking Beverly Perdue?
The answers are no and no.
For nearly thirty years, since the onset of negative TV ads, I’ve heard the same arguments: “People won’t believe those attacks.” “Voters don’t like negative ads. You need to stay positive.” “A candidate who goes negative will only hurt himself.”
Wrong. People do believe the attacks, unless they’re told different. Voters say they don’t like negative ads, but they pay attention to them. And while sometimes there is a backlash, a backlash doesn’t just happen by itself. The candidate under attack has to use some political judo on the attacker.
Democrats are especially good at fooling themselves. That’s why so many candidates won’t go on the offensive. Their inner circles tell them all the above conventional wisdom, in all sincerity. And it’s always bad advice.
Destroy an opponent’s credibility, and you destroy his or her campaign.
So far, Perdue’s campaign hasn’t shown it can do the judo. The best they’ve come up with is charging
That won’t cut it,
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