Is Mayor Meeker a Shoo-In?
A few days ago one of
Well, yes, he’s right, if Democrats get to pick the Republican candidate who runs against Meeker that will solve the mayor’s problems politically. But what if Republicans nominate someone like Tom Fetzer?
But Republicans haven’t voted to increase property taxes. So that’s a straw man too.
What Mayor Meeker’s supporters seem to be telling themselves is that Republicans will run a candidate against the mayor who supports all of Meeker’s runaway spending and wants to raise property taxes to boot. So Meeker’s a shoo-in to win reelection.
But how likely is it that Republicans will nominate a candidate to the left of Charles Meeker?

Is Mayor Meeker a Shoo-In?

A few days ago one of
Well, yes, he’s right, if Democrats get to pick the Republican candidate who runs against Meeker that will solve the mayor’s problems politically. But what if Republicans nominate someone like Tom Fetzer?
But Republicans haven’t voted to increase property taxes. So that’s a straw man too.
What Mayor Meeker’s supporters seem to be telling themselves is that Republicans will run a candidate against the mayor who supports all of Meeker’s runaway spending and wants to raise property taxes to boot. So Meeker’s a shoo-in to win reelection.
But how likely is it that Republicans will nominate a candidate to the left of Charles Meeker?