Irag: Deception or Mistake
President Bush’s national secretary adviser, Stephen Hadley, and Republican members of Congress have launched an offensive declaring allegations that the President manipulated intelligence “are flat wrong.”
Alright, let’s agree President Bush didn’t mislead anyone.
Where does that leave us? It leaves us with one troubling question.
Now, let me get this right, Mr. Hadley, we’re in a war in Iraq not because President Bush misled anyone but because someone made a mistake and believed a false intelligence report?
Well, everyone makes mistakes and being President is a pretty big job but blundering into a war by mistake – that’s a helluva admission.

Irag: Deception or Mistake

President Bush’s national secretary adviser, Stephen Hadley, and Republican members of Congress have launched an offensive declaring allegations that the President manipulated intelligence “are flat wrong.”
Alright, let’s agree President Bush didn’t mislead anyone.
Where does that leave us? It leaves us with one troubling question.
Now, let me get this right, Mr. Hadley, we’re in a war in Iraq not because President Bush misled anyone but because someone made a mistake and believed a false intelligence report?
Well, everyone makes mistakes and being President is a pretty big job but blundering into a war by mistake – that’s a helluva admission.