December 16, 2009 - by
The Greensboro News & Record and The News & Observer piled on Governor Perdue for being “angry” (GN&R) and “intemperate” (N&O) over the release of life-sentence inmates.
They’re appalled that she’s “appalled…angry…disgusted…and furious” over murderers and rapists going free.
Hold the presses.
Is her concern so unreasonable?
These are criminals who were sentenced to life in prison. Now the courts say that – because of a technicality in the law – life doesn’t mean life.
Perdue faces a choice. She can either explain to the public how the system works. Or she can tell the system why the people she represents are mad.
She’s warning the system: People expect government to protect them from criminals.
What’s so bad about that?
The editorials assume that, since her stand is popular with the public, it is therefore wrong.
By that measure, the new Wake County school board shouldn’t have to listen to its critics.
I have only one quibble with the Governor. She uttered a seven-word sound bite that should never come out of a politician’s mouth: “I’ve been in politics a long time.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

December 16, 2009/

The Greensboro News & Record and The News & Observer piled on Governor Perdue for being “angry” (GN&R) and “intemperate” (N&O) over the release of life-sentence inmates.
They’re appalled that she’s “appalled…angry…disgusted…and furious” over murderers and rapists going free.
Hold the presses.
Is her concern so unreasonable?
These are criminals who were sentenced to life in prison. Now the courts say that – because of a technicality in the law – life doesn’t mean life.
Perdue faces a choice. She can either explain to the public how the system works. Or she can tell the system why the people she represents are mad.
She’s warning the system: People expect government to protect them from criminals.
What’s so bad about that?
The editorials assume that, since her stand is popular with the public, it is therefore wrong.
By that measure, the new Wake County school board shouldn’t have to listen to its critics.
I have only one quibble with the Governor. She uttered a seven-word sound bite that should never come out of a politician’s mouth: “I’ve been in politics a long time.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats