Inclined to Devilment
March 3, 2015 - by
The local school board has a new training program to teach teachers that all cultures are equal and to move away from the ‘belief any culture is superior to another’ – which sounds fine except the concept of cultural equality rests on a kind of moral relativism that leads to odd places.
Take ISIS. It’s culture is based on what it calls ‘Prophetic Methodology’ which views selling an infidel woman as a slave as a virtue.
Awhile back, when ISIS burned a Jordanian pilot, President Obama explained, Well, Christians have done some terrible things in the name of religion too – which is a diplomatic way to say: They’re bad. We’re bad. We’re all bad alike. Wickedness, too, is relative.
But, despite our past sins, we do believe burning a pilot or selling a woman as a slave is wrong – while ISIS sees both as right.
So are all cultures equal? Or do some practice more wickedness than others?

Inclined to Devilment
March 3, 2015/

The local school board has a new training program to teach teachers that all cultures are equal and to move away from the ‘belief any culture is superior to another’ – which sounds fine except the concept of cultural equality rests on a kind of moral relativism that leads to odd places.
Take ISIS. It’s culture is based on what it calls ‘Prophetic Methodology’ which views selling an infidel woman as a slave as a virtue.
Awhile back, when ISIS burned a Jordanian pilot, President Obama explained, Well, Christians have done some terrible things in the name of religion too – which is a diplomatic way to say: They’re bad. We’re bad. We’re all bad alike. Wickedness, too, is relative.
But, despite our past sins, we do believe burning a pilot or selling a woman as a slave is wrong – while ISIS sees both as right.
So are all cultures equal? Or do some practice more wickedness than others?