In Victory, Defeat
March 4, 2011 - by
Republicans remind me of Barack Obama.
After the 2008 election, Obama wasn’t going to restrict himself to rescuing the economy from a depression. He was also going to reform health care, re-regulate business and Wall Street, save the planet from global warning, win and end two wars, clean up campaign finances and reform the ways of Washington . On the seventh day he would rest, presumably.
Republicans didn’t learn his lesson.
Just like Obama, they took power full of themselves and with a pent-up agenda. Like Obama, they haven’t focused on fixing the economy – the one thing Americans voted for. They’ve also set out to slash government, cut back environmental regulations, un-reform health care, loosen gun laws and cripple public employee unions.
Not to mention – in Raleigh and Washington – taking up issues like annexation, abortion, tort reform, gay marriage, economic development incentives, Smart Start, More at Four, charter schools, ending standardized testing and video poker.
This is how victory sows the seeds of defeat.

In Victory, Defeat
March 4, 2011/

Republicans remind me of Barack Obama.
After the 2008 election, Obama wasn’t going to restrict himself to rescuing the economy from a depression. He was also going to reform health care, re-regulate business and Wall Street, save the planet from global warning, win and end two wars, clean up campaign finances and reform the ways of Washington . On the seventh day he would rest, presumably.
Republicans didn’t learn his lesson.
Just like Obama, they took power full of themselves and with a pent-up agenda. Like Obama, they haven’t focused on fixing the economy – the one thing Americans voted for. They’ve also set out to slash government, cut back environmental regulations, un-reform health care, loosen gun laws and cripple public employee unions.
Not to mention – in Raleigh and Washington – taking up issues like annexation, abortion, tort reform, gay marriage, economic development incentives, Smart Start, More at Four, charter schools, ending standardized testing and video poker.
This is how victory sows the seeds of defeat.