In Defense of Jim Black
Everybody’s piling on Jim Black. So I’ll dissent.
First of all, enough with Republicans decrying a pay-to-play system in
Second, enough with politicians and reporters who are shocked – shocked, mind you – that this sort of thing goes on. From time immemorial, there has always been just a wink and a nod between campaign contributions and government actions.
Third, Jim Black is a smart man. He knew the law. He knew – and often said – that he could never promise any official action in exchange for a campaign contribution.
I would bet he said that to Michael Decker. And I suspect it went right over Decker’s head, because Decker was selling himself as hard as he could.
So it’s Decker’s word against Black’s.

In Defense of Jim Black

Everybody’s piling on Jim Black. So I’ll dissent.
First of all, enough with Republicans decrying a pay-to-play system in
Second, enough with politicians and reporters who are shocked – shocked, mind you – that this sort of thing goes on. From time immemorial, there has always been just a wink and a nod between campaign contributions and government actions.
Third, Jim Black is a smart man. He knew the law. He knew – and often said – that he could never promise any official action in exchange for a campaign contribution.
I would bet he said that to Michael Decker. And I suspect it went right over Decker’s head, because Decker was selling himself as hard as he could.
So it’s Decker’s word against Black’s.