In a League of Her Own
August 4, 2009 - by
The most audacious woman ever to draw breath in North Carolina has now outdone herself and passed into the annals of political lore;—no one knows exactly how Mary Easley lit a fire under her easy-going husband but it’s a fact the Governor got stirred up enough to carve out a political sinecure for her over at N.C. State College that paid her more than a professor at MIT.
Next, job in hand, contract signed, Mary Easley dispensed with the bother of actually showing up for work. Then she pulled off an even greater feat – last spring, after working just five full days in four months, she got herself a promotion and an 88% pay raise.
After that everything went along just fine for about a year – then the newspaper started rooting around in some of her husband’s other wheeling and dealing and stumbled across a stack of emails about her job;—then the whole thing blew up and the university fired her, but not before she got the college to pay her $8000 for her unused vacation time.
For about a week everyone went around telling themselves that was that and trying to forget the whole thing – then without batting an eye Mary Easley marched back over to N.C. State and filed what’s called ‘a grievance’. Her point: The college owes her her job back. It doesn’t matter, she’s arguing, how many days she’d worked because over all she’s been a first class high-performer, who got glowing job reviews – as if any college professor in his right mind was going to give her a bad job report with her husband sitting down the street in the Governor’s Mansion deciding the college’s budget.
Finally, she rolled out aide Ace Smith to tell every newspaper reporter who’d listen that as a professor at N.C. State ‘Mary Easley had exceeded all expectations’ and ‘the college got more than its money’s worth.’
There’s not a man – Governor, Senator or Pedagogue – in North Carolina who can match that. In the annals of politics – when it comes to pure brass – Mary Easley’s in a league of her own.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats
In a League of Her Own
August 4, 2009/
The most audacious woman ever to draw breath in North Carolina has now outdone herself and passed into the annals of political lore;—no one knows exactly how Mary Easley lit a fire under her easy-going husband but it’s a fact the Governor got stirred up enough to carve out a political sinecure for her over at N.C. State College that paid her more than a professor at MIT.
Next, job in hand, contract signed, Mary Easley dispensed with the bother of actually showing up for work. Then she pulled off an even greater feat – last spring, after working just five full days in four months, she got herself a promotion and an 88% pay raise.
After that everything went along just fine for about a year – then the newspaper started rooting around in some of her husband’s other wheeling and dealing and stumbled across a stack of emails about her job;—then the whole thing blew up and the university fired her, but not before she got the college to pay her $8000 for her unused vacation time.
For about a week everyone went around telling themselves that was that and trying to forget the whole thing – then without batting an eye Mary Easley marched back over to N.C. State and filed what’s called ‘a grievance’. Her point: The college owes her her job back. It doesn’t matter, she’s arguing, how many days she’d worked because over all she’s been a first class high-performer, who got glowing job reviews – as if any college professor in his right mind was going to give her a bad job report with her husband sitting down the street in the Governor’s Mansion deciding the college’s budget.
Finally, she rolled out aide Ace Smith to tell every newspaper reporter who’d listen that as a professor at N.C. State ‘Mary Easley had exceeded all expectations’ and ‘the college got more than its money’s worth.’
There’s not a man – Governor, Senator or Pedagogue – in North Carolina who can match that. In the annals of politics – when it comes to pure brass – Mary Easley’s in a league of her own.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats