Impeachment talking points
Democrats, repeat after me: “Impeachment should be done only on a bipartisan basis. Ask Republicans what they think about impeaching Trump.”
This is smart for two reasons. First, it’s the right thing to do. Bill Clinton’s impeachment showed that it shouldn’t be done on party lines. The country is divided enough already. Second, it’s good politics. Democrats won’t look too political, and Republicans will be put on the spot.
Democrats won big in the 2018 midterms because they didn’t make it all about Trump; they focused on people’s real-life problems. They should keep it up.
Next year, the Democratic House majority should pass an infrastructure-jobs bill, a clean energy-jobs bill, a middle-class tax cut and good stuff like that. Challenge Trump and Senate Republicans to pass them all.
It looks like Nancy Pelosi wants to do that, not impeachment, but too many Democrats in Congress want to get on TV and run their mouths.
There’s plenty to talk about, like payoffs to a porn star and a Playmate and collusion with Russia. Let the Republicans talk about it. Let them explain why everything Trump has done is just fine – or not. Let them own him.
Let’s take the whole mess to the voters in 2020. There’ll be plenty to talk about then.

Impeachment talking points

Democrats, repeat after me: “Impeachment should be done only on a bipartisan basis. Ask Republicans what they think about impeaching Trump.”
This is smart for two reasons. First, it’s the right thing to do. Bill Clinton’s impeachment showed that it shouldn’t be done on party lines. The country is divided enough already. Second, it’s good politics. Democrats won’t look too political, and Republicans will be put on the spot.
Democrats won big in the 2018 midterms because they didn’t make it all about Trump; they focused on people’s real-life problems. They should keep it up.
Next year, the Democratic House majority should pass an infrastructure-jobs bill, a clean energy-jobs bill, a middle-class tax cut and good stuff like that. Challenge Trump and Senate Republicans to pass them all.
It looks like Nancy Pelosi wants to do that, not impeachment, but too many Democrats in Congress want to get on TV and run their mouths.
There’s plenty to talk about, like payoffs to a porn star and a Playmate and collusion with Russia. Let the Republicans talk about it. Let them explain why everything Trump has done is just fine – or not. Let them own him.
Let’s take the whole mess to the voters in 2020. There’ll be plenty to talk about then.